Easy delicious ways to transition to a dairy-free diet

Daisy Fernandes
3 min readJun 7, 2021
Supermarket dairy aisle
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Ten years ago if I was told that dairy would no longer be on my grocery list, I would probably laugh a bit and make a mental note of the audacity of the claim. I grew up believing that dairy (milk and cheese for the most part) was my best answer to fuelling my bones with calcium. That it brought-on its entourage of minerals and micronutrients plugging most of the gaps that my diet could be deficient in. As a young student living away from home, I had to account for that haloed glass of milk that I was having every single day (every time I called to speak with mum).

Years later, I learnt that dairy could potentially be highly inflammatory to say the least. Soon I was scouring the web for alternatives. They had to be a healthy and safer source of nutrients that were healing and nourishing to the body. I also needed swaps I could use, so the taste or mouth feel (if you may) of the drink/dish wasn’t lacking.

My top three finds to ensure my dependence on dairy is non-existent are:

  1. Green leafy vegetables
  2. Nuts and seeds
  3. Bean / lentil broth

Let’s explore each of them a little more.

Greens: Green leafy vegetables (being rich in calcium) help with maintaining healthy bones. They are also rich in magnesium which helps with absorption of the calcium.

Green leafy vegetables (spinach, Swiss chard and kale)
Photo by Bailey Heedick on Unsplash

My top 3 picks: Spinach, Swiss Chard, Kale

Try this recipe: Spinach-kale green radiance smoothie.

Nuts and Seeds: Plant-based milks are nutrient-rich and delicious too. High in Omega 3s, makes them a winner for me. I like to soak nuts and seeds before I blitz them into a milk/cream (depending on what the recipe calls for). Different nuts and seeds can bring their own depth in taste and richness to the derived culinary experience.

Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds)
Photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

My top 3 (nuts): Cashew, Coconut, Macadamia nut

My top 3 (seeds): Flax, Chia, Hemp hearts

Try this recipe: Strawberry no-bake cheesecake.

Try this recipe: Cranberry-chia salad dressing.

Bean/lentil Broth: This was such a surprise to me. Sometimes I prefer it in a recipe over a nut milk simply because of how closely it replicates the taste of a dairy-based sauce or drink. Interestingly, it can be whipped to incorporate air into a fluffy mass for frosting etc.

Soy beans, Black beans, chickpeas
Photo by Shelley Pauls on Unsplash

My top 3: Chick pea broth, Black bean broth, soy bean broth.

Try this recipe: Chocolate cake with chick pea frosting.

Try this savoury recipe: Pad-Thai with peanut butter sauce.

It bears mention that plant-based milks feels lighter on the gut (unless of course you are allergic to them). Soaking the nuts and seeds overnight is how I like to keep the anti-nutrients away. Transitioning to a dairy-free lifestyle has never been easier.

Do you have a favourite alternative to dairy-free milk? Let me know in the comments below.

