5 simple ways to help Lymphatic drainage — the body’s own detox pathway

Daisy Fernandes
3 min readJun 10, 2021
Girl in a yoga pose
Photo by Carl Barcelo on Unsplash

It is immensely fascinating to see someone talk about their experience at a cleanse/ detox program. Retreats at a beautiful locale, hot springs nearby, perhaps even a waterfront garden enhances the imagery in my mind. But all of this would be the peripheral “add-ons” (still love it all). The inward journey, clarity of mind, the visible glow of the skin, the renewed energy, the new resolve to inculcate new habits for wellness thats a (HUGE) delight to witness.

The body is designed for cleansing, all on its own — day after day, everyday. Thankfully so. While a great wellness retreat is most welcome( it may have to wait), at least “today” is taken care of. Oftentimes the word detoxification implies, the major organs of detox: Liver, kidneys (for the most part) and followed closely by the lungs, skin and colon. What about the Lymphatic system. Why does it come as an afterthought? The lymphatic system is a major detox pathway.

Ancient sciences like Ayurveda and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) focus on the spleen for healing, which is a part of the Lymphatic system. That makes sense; the focus is on cleansing so healing can occur.

The lymphatic system comprises of organ (spleen), gland (thymus), nodes and vessels. It is laced throughout the body. It is broadly concerned with the body’s defence against pathogens. This is possible by balancing body fluids, removal of cellular waste, transportation of fats and production of immune cells.

This system lacks an internal pump that pushes fluids through the network. In order to function optimally it relies heavily on person’s ability to move. My favourite ways to get lymph moving on a daily basis are simple and are part of my daily routine. They are:

  • Exercise in any form works fine. It could be a walk, a run or even a HIIT workout. Yoga works beautifully too (the twists help with lymph movement). The rebounder in my gym works well. But with more workouts being done at home Jumping jacks gets a thumbs up from me.
  • Massages are awesome for lymph drainage . They can be done at a spa or at home (if your partner offers to be the masseuse)
  • Wet brushing. Most people talk about dry brushing but I prefer wet brushing. After a couple of minutes in the shower I use the loofah (comes from the luffa gourd) in about the same way as you would use the dry brush; always brushing limbs and torso towards the heart. It works the dual purposes of exfoliation and lymphatic drainage.
  • Alternating hot-cold shower. The temperatures of heat and cold should be as max as you can take. This creates a respective dilation and constriction of the blood vessels which works the lymphatic system. That it also supra-energizes you is a bonus.
  • Deep Diaphragmatic breathing. Taking deep breathes that engages the abdominals helps with more air filling out the lungs. Deeper inhalations are follow deeper exhalations. The resulting expansion and contraction of the abdominal region boosts lymph movement.

A robust lymphatic system is a great defence for resilience and immunity.

What do you do to keep this detox pathway moving?

